How to Choose The Right Electrical Housing?

In regards to electrical systems, selecting appropriate housing for essential components is a decision with a notable impact on the everyday functionality and safety of our technology. Electrical enclosures, although frequently underestimated, serve to safeguard reliable operations of delicate equipment. Notably, GRP feeder pillars and cabinets are reliable protectors, protecting against environmental factors and potential hazards that may pose a risk to the stability of electrical systems. Here, we offer guidance, tips, and insights on ensuring compatibility and maximising capacity for these crucial components.

variation in electrical enclosure designs

What is an electrical housing?

An electrical housing, also known as an electrical enclosure, is a protective structure designed to safeguard electrical components and equipment from environmental factors, potential hazards, and unauthorised access. These enclosures serve a crucial role in maintaining the functionality, reliability, and safety of electrical systems by providing a secure and controlled environment for sensitive equipment.

In this article, we aim to guide readers through the process of selecting the right electrical housing by exploring key considerations, industry insights, and the advantageous features of materials such as Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP), emphasising the importance these enclosures play in ensuring the longevity, safety, and optimal performance of essential electrical equipment in various operational settings.

  • The global electrical enclosure market is projected to reach around USD 79.58 billion by 2032, with an expected CAGR of 5.38% from 2023 to 2032, up from USD 47.12 billion in 2022. [R]
  • According to the US Department of Labor and the National Safety Council electrocutions are the 4th leading cause of traumatic occupational fatalities in the U.S. [R]

Understanding Your Requirements

Consider, for instance, an industrial facility situated in a coastal region with high humidity levels. The choice of electrical housing becomes critical in safeguarding sensitive equipment from the corrosive impact of salty air. In this case, choosing a GRP outdoor enclosure known for its corrosion-resistant properties, would be beneficial in maintaining the machinery’s durability in challenging environmental conditions.

Now, consider a telecommunications hub where electronic equipment operates in a limited space with restricted ventilation. In such cases, it’s crucial to grasp the thermal needs of the equipment. Opting for an enclosure with effective ventilation, such as one with cooling fans or vents, is a thoughtful choice to avoid overheating and enhance performance.

Consider the contrast between an outdoor solar power installation and an indoor data centre. The former demands electrical enclosures capable of withstanding exposure to sunlight, rain, and temperature fluctuations. Here, UV-resistant materials and weather-sealed designs become key features. Meanwhile, the latter necessitates enclosures that can integrate into rack systems, accommodating standardised dimensions and ensuring efficient use of limited space.

In short, understanding your requirements involves careful consideration of your unique operational requirements. By emphasising specific needs related to environmental conditions and equipment specifications, you not only tailor your choice of electrical housing but also protect your equipment against the distinctive challenges it may encounter. Taking a personalised approach to enclosure selection ensures they not only provide protection but also work with the housed equipment, ultimately enhancing the resilience and efficiency of your electrical system.

If you are still unsure about what type of enclosure you need for your requirements, feel free to get in touch with us on 01269 843355 or email us on sales[at] Our dedicated team with decades of experience will point you in the right direction!

Types of Electrical Housings​

Discover our comprehensive range of electrical housings, each crafted to address diverse needs and applications. From standard cabinets offering conventional solutions to bespoke enclosures tailored for unique specifications, our selection ensures a perfect fit for various equipment.

  • Standard cabinets
  • Bespoke enclosures
  • Substations
  • Sheds
  • Kiosks
  • Feeder pillars

Material Considerations​

When it comes to selecting the optimal material for electrical housing, the construction materials become an important step in ensuring both durability and functionality. One standout material that merits attention is Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP), a composite material that offers numerous benefits in the construction of electrical enclosures:

Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Unveiled: GRP, also known as fibreglass, marries the robustness of glass fibres with the versatility of plastic resins. This composite blend results in a material that boasts a remarkable strength-to-weight ratio, making it an ideal choice for manufacturing electrical enclosures. Its composition is inherently resistant to corrosion, a quality of importance, especially in environments prone to moisture, chemicals, or saline air.

Durability in Adversity: A defining characteristic of GRP is its exceptional durability. Unlike traditional materials that may succumb to the corrosive effects of weather or harsh industrial conditions, GRP stands strong. It withstands the test of time, maintaining structural integrity and protective qualities even in the face of challenging environmental elements. This durability not only safeguards the enclosed equipment but also translates to cost-effective, long-term solutions for businesses and industries.

Corrosion Resistance: Corrosion, a threat in many operational settings, can compromise the effectiveness of electrical systems over time. GRP, with its innate resistance to corrosion, acts as a barrier against the corrosive impact of moisture, chemicals, and other corrosive agents. This property is particularly advantageous in coastal areas or industrial environments where the air carries abrasive particles that could otherwise degrade traditional materials.

Lightweight Nature: Adding to its appeal, GRP brings a lightweight nature to the table without compromising strength. This characteristic simplifies transportation, handling, and installation processes. The reduced weight not only eases logistical considerations but also contributes to the adaptability of GRP enclosures in various settings, from rooftop installations to remote industrial sites. In essence, the choice of GRP as a material for electrical enclosures embodies a synergy of strength, durability, and adaptability. By choosing GRP, one not only invests in a corrosion-resistant shield for valuable equipment but also embraces a lightweight and enduring solution that aligns with the demands of modern electrical infrastructure.

Energy Efficiency Considerations

The role of electrical housing extends beyond protection; it actively contributes to the overall energy efficiency of a system. Understanding and implementing energy-efficient features in electrical enclosures not only optimise the performance of housed equipment but also supports sustainable and cost-effective practices.

1. Thermal Insulation​

Integrating thermal insulation into electrical enclosures is a key strategy for enhancing energy efficiency. Thermal insulation serves as a protective barrier, mitigating temperature fluctuations within the enclosure. This is particularly crucial in environments with extreme temperature variations. By minimising heat exchange with the surroundings, thermal insulation ensures that the internal temperature remains stable, preventing unnecessary strain on cooling systems and reducing energy consumption.

2. Sunlight-Reflective Coatings​

The application of sunlight-reflective coatings on electrical enclosures is a proactive measure to counteract the heat generated by direct sunlight exposure. These coatings, often designed with reflective pigments, efficiently bounce off a portion of the sunlight, preventing excessive heat buildup within the enclosure. By reducing the heat absorbed by the housing, these coatings contribute to a cooler internal environment, lowering the need for active cooling mechanisms and reducing the overall energy demand of the system.

3. Ventilation Strategies​

Efficient ventilation mechanisms are integral to energy-conscious electrical housing. Well-designed ventilation systems, including strategically placed vents, cooling fans, or passive airflow structures, helps with natural heat dissipation. This not only prevents overheating of internal components but also minimises the reliance on energy-intensive cooling systems.

Lifecycle Cost Considerations ​

When choosing the right electrical housing, it’s important to have a forward-thinking perspective. While the initial cost is essential, smart decision-makers understand the importance of assessing the overall lifecycle cost of the selected electrical housing. This approach involves looking beyond immediate expenses and considering factors that contribute to sustained value over time.

2. Durability in Action

Durability also plays a role in cost over time. Traditional materials may wear out, leading to the need for replacements or repairs that can strain budgets. GRP, with its outstanding resistance to corrosion and tough environmental conditions, proves to be a reliable option. Its enduring structural integrity results in longer lifespans for electrical enclosures, presenting a cost-effective choice by reducing the frequency of replacements and repairs.

3. Long-Term Performance

Beyond immediate functionality, the long-term performance of electrical enclosures plays a role in determining their life cycle cost. Forward-thinking decisions involve selecting enclosures that not only meet current operational requirements but also adapt to evolving technological landscapes. GRP, known for its adaptability with modern electrical infrastructure demands, ensures that your investment remains relevant and effective to changes in the industry. This foresight contributes to sustained efficiency and a reduced need for premature upgrades.

One Smart Choice at a Time​

We’ve explored the critical role these enclosures play, from coastal hubs to data centres, each setting poses unique challenges, met by the rise of the global electrical enclosure market.

Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) emerges as a reliable choice, combining corrosion resistance and adaptability. Beyond protection, our focus extends to energy efficiency—thermal insulation, sunlight-reflective coatings, and ventilation strategies contribute to sustainability.

As you choose the right electrical housing, look beyond immediate needs. Consider the lifecycle cost, weighing durability and long-term performance against upfront expenses. Your decision today isn’t just about an enclosure; it’s a strategic move towards cost-effective, resilient solutions.

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